Section 4: Persian, Turkish and Azeri Studies: Texts and Translations

Date & Time: Saturday, 9.04.2016; 12.00–14.00

Location: Jakobi 2-106

Moderator: Vladimir Sazonov (University of Tartu, Estonia)

Participants and papers (click on the title for an abstract):

  1. Fatemeh Tavakoli (University of Tartu, Estonia) “Mystic Interpretation of War: Memoryscapes of the Iran–Iraq War in Iranian Cinema”
  2. Lidia Leontjeva (Tallinn University, Estonia) “Iranian Shia Clerical Ideology Spread Methods: Language and Rhetorics”
  3. Olga Razuvajeva (Tallinn University, Estonia) “Conversion in the Late Ottoman Empire (1856-1876)”
  4. Aynura Mahmudova (Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences) “The Role of Interpretation of Fuzuli’s Texts in the Formation and Development of his Literary School”