Poster Session 2

Friday, April 8, 11:50–13:00, Jakobi 2 Lobby

Click on the title for an abstract

  1. Imar Koutchoukali (Tallinn University, Estonia) “What the Grammatical Features in the 1001 Nights Tell Us about the History of Arabic”
  2. Eva-Liisa Roht (Tallinn University, Estonia) Ebru is like a Human Being” – Marbling Art (Ebru) in Turkey: The Perspective of the Contemporary Practitioner. The Connection between Ebru and Sufism”
  3. Kristina Saad (Tallinn University, Estonia) “Alms Money as a Means of Financing Terrorism”
  4. Triin Laiverik (Tallinn University, Estonia) “Women’s Involvement in the Martyrdom Operations of the Middle-Eastern Islamist Groups in the 20th and 21th Century”
  5. Kristiina Soosaar (Tallinn University, Estonia) “Changes of Temporary Marriages in Modern Iran Based on 7th Century Laws”
  6. Karl Käsnapuu (University of Tartu, Estonia) “Applying Near-death Study Tool on the Tibetan Book of the Dead”